Sunday, July 31, 2011

She's BACCKK like cooked crack?


I'm back in the blogging world thanks to peer pressure. Let's see if I can keep up this time. Welp for starters i'm a girrlll :) I'm 23 been married for 4 years in Sept. I have 2 blaxican babies by a big black mamba named Josh.

This isn't technically my first post but I can't seem to import from my other blog sooo this is the first official blab. I have nothing exciting to talk about today and probably won't tomorrow either...yeah it's one of THOSE blogs today. I won't bore you with what my day consisted of (nothing) or how awesome my hubby is (bore!) or how well behaved my kids were today (helllz no) I will however tell you what I DIDN'T do- I didn't skydive, I didn't eat fried pickles, I didn't eat healthy or work-out for that matter, I didn't start my car, I didn't feed the squirrels, or the birds but apparently i'm feeding COCKROACHES because i've found some in my home! GROSSSSS. I feel dirty even posting that shame I smell mrs. shameless? (kinda) Simply put I was lazy today (gasp) That's what happens when you're 23 and your kids make you feel like you're 72.

Tomorrow is a new day though and I plan on donating all of Gabby's old clothes, toys and baby gear to someone who reaalllyy needs it. I feel good about that. I will probably clean out the basement too and prepare for my moms second arrival in 2 weeks. That's right folks she's moving in with me :/ Not sure how I feel about that yet. If you know me personally then you know why I say that otherwise that's a whole new post for the next ten days. I will however keep you somewhat entertained with my lone shenanigans <---yes I said shenanigans. I'll take you on my journey through learning how to dance bahaha, learning to sew, trying new recipes, make-up tutorials, design tips all from a boring stay at home mom. Exciting huh? yippee

Give me some feedback on what you'd like to see.

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